Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Preview: Snapshots of a Minivacay

For our first yr anniversary, my husband and I traveled to Seattle and Vancouver. Both cities were breathtaking in its own way, but Vancouver blew me away. Although the weather did not cooperate most of the time, the sceneries and city vibe made it worthwhile.

Long's friends made a laundry list of all the restaurants that we had to try. Needless to say, this trip was mostly food-driven.

** I am working on a video clip of a our trip, it has taken me a few good days...hopefully the finished product will be done soon!

to be continued...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Celebration of a Milestone.

He never fails to impress me with his talents both intellectually and creatively.

It's been a very long milestone, but a well worth it one nonetheless. I am proud to boast that he's officially a faculty at one of Harvard's teaching hospital as a Molecular Diagnostic Pathologist.

Yet, he remains to be one of the most humble human being I've known. To me, he's simply the patient, kind, and generous boy who I fatefully crossed path 10 yrs ago.

Rock on- my husband! 

Ether Dome.

 Dinner celebration.

 lights in the parking gargage was awesome. made for great photo lighting. [ taken by the talented husband ]